The Founding Fathers of the US were pretty bright cookies. They determined we needed a government with checks and balances, thus the three branches...they determined that people should be directly represented (the House), and that the states should be represented (the Senate). (The second is really important because it keeps the Senators beholden to the states they represent, rather than other lobby, or party interests, alas the 17th Amendment did away is that.) The three branches were to keep check on each other, thus limiting the power and reach of any of the three branches.
They also initially recognized that, although everyone should be protected (Bill of Rights), NOT everyone should vote. I know this flies against our modern concept that everyone's voice should be equally heard, but the reality is, we don't believe that. No one would allow their two year old an equal "vote" in family decisions. The founders recognized that people that had no vested interest in the properties of the country would either 1) become parasites, and take, take take, or that 2) they would fail to understand and take care of the common good. While it is arguable that property ownership might not be the only valid indication of "responsibility," it is likely that some governance of this is wise.
We can see this in the result of this in Welfare dependency, or the horrid state of many of the old public housing units. People had no vested interest in taking care of what was given to them. It didn't impact their finances, they weren't responsible, so they showed no responsibility.
Unfortunately, our government is now working against the very people for whom it exists. They have come to the point where the people exist for the government, not vice versa. It behooves the government to have people serve it, beholden to it, and dependent on it. It is not in the government interest to have to serve the people.
We the people, from the government's point of view, are to follow it's dictates. So now it's "We the government, in order to keep order among the unwashed masses, will dictate what the people will do, and when, and how, and we will tax so that all of this order will be spread equally whether the people like it or not.
We live in a land where people wanting to have English be the official language are being called hate-mongers, but people calling for the killing of whites and their children are allowed carte blanche speech. A place where people flooding in illegally, are being held up as people whom need to be supported and paid for and legalized, but those who come in legally are spending years and thousands of dollars to realize their dream of citizenship.
We live in a land where US citizens are abducted in US cities by foreign drug cartels, and where it is becoming dangerous for US citizens to travel on our borders, but, while states attempt to rectify this, the federal government watches. We live in a land where the government has determined it is in our best interest to pay them more for programs they can not sustain. We live in a land where our representatives belittle their electors, and where elitism of public servants at the highest level is the norm.
Our government is broken. We the people need to make sure we fix it.
Now look at: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you do for your country." Today: You are either, "what can I get from the government?" or "what else can we take from the Citizens?"...
ReplyDeleteThe mass of Government is Taking.
The mass of citizens is Taking.
Double negatives. Do the math.
It won't keep working like that. We need to get back to the Constitution, The Family, The Bible and tighten up. So many issues tied to this. Education, States rights, Taxes, Constitutional Law, Election processes, campaign funding, prison systems..on,on,on,on.
ReplyDeleteGood insights.