Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Faith & Suffering

Today, my boss told me his sister is going to have to be taken off of life support for a heart attack. His mother is also in hospice in the final stages of her life. My sister has had three weeks of intensive pain, ruptured appendix, and an internal abscess which formed following the appendix rupture. She has had two solid meals in three weeks.

One of the key differences between Christianity and some other major world religions is how they view suffering. Other religions see suffering as something to escape. It holds no value. Christians should see suffering as the potential for growth. It is echoed in everything. Very little good ever happens without struggle to bring it forth.

I do not think life was ever meant to be easy. Often, as Christians, we assume that God will pave our road with ease. The reality is, that growth only occurs in difficulty. Hebrews even says that Christ was made perfect through His suffering. Are we, His people, not becoming like Him? All too often American Christianity tries to preach a gospel of convenience and prosperity.

But we see injustices, inequalities, and inhumanities all around us. And we even probably contribute some of our own. For this suffering, we are called to give aid and comfort. In this we serve God by serving others. By this we can extend the grace He has given us.

As for our own lives? Yes, God does love and bless us, this is very true, but in order for us to grow...we must also suffer. C.S. Lewis said that one of the key virtues of Christianity is courage. I agree...courage to stand up in the face of all that can happen in life. But our courage does not come from us, it is part and parcel, I think, with faith. And that comes from God. I pray that your paths are not overly troubled, but when trouble comes, and it will, I pray that God give you the faith to persevere. So that your suffering can be turned to growth, and you can help make meaningful the suffering you see in the lives of others.


  1. Truthful, Proven and profound! Inspiring words Steve. Thanks and I will keep reading your Blog!


    I still remember the day I took that picture of you in that Halloween costume! The day I got that picture back from being developed, I knew then and there that it would have to be in the Yearbook. Glad you still use it. After reading this, looks like you have spent time in the robe since those days! Too cool.

  2. YOU took that picture??? Scary! LOLOL I lost that robe when I was in a car accident on the very day I wore it in this picture (the lady that hit me went into shock, and I used it to cover her up until the ambulance got there...I never saw it again). She ended up being okay though, which was good.
