Today's big news is that an American general is speaking out against the president. Some say that he should have retired first, and then spoken out. They say that a sitting general can't speak against a sitting president. Others say that he has done the right thing by criticizing him in Rolling Stones so that his message would go to the "uninitiated."
General's Faux Pas
This is an interesting situation. Officers swear to defend the Constitution against enemies "foreign and domestic," specifically, "I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;" What happens if an officer perceives that a commander is an enemy of the Constitution? I'm not sure that's what happened seems maybe more like a general just dislikes the president's capacity to lead and be prepared...
It is a mark of distinction, though, I think, that the American military swears to ideals, not to an individual. We don't swear to kings, or dictators, we don't swear to politicians of any party, we swear to a set of ideals, codified, in a Constitution, a document that can be altered, with great difficulty (as it should be, we have to be SURE that the change is warranted). Members in the military are asked, in a sense, to think, contrary to popular belief. IF the Constitution is threatened (even if by a sitting president), it is clear where the military members
So, whether one agrees with McChrystal's actions or not, or whether one even agrees with his position or not, it is at the very least good to remind ourselves what it is he is sworn to serve, and spend his life, and others' lives, on.
I swore to defend and uphold the Constitution as well. It is a document that I think is worth defending.
In other news, it is telling that Petraeus was asked yesterday by a Congresswoman if the military bases in Afghanistan were concerned about utilizing "renewable energy" through things like solar panels, and I suppose reducing their carbon footprint. This shows how removed from reality some congress members really are. "Deaths? Winning? Yes, Yes, but let's move on to something more important like energy use." I wonder what Patton would have said? I will absolutely give kudos to Petraeus on his capacity to be forbearing and patient with idiocy.
It's amazing that ANYONE chooses to serve in the military today. Why would someone choose to serve under such incompetence?
Solar bases
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